Have you received both a positive and a negative result from consecutive pregnancy tests? Why did this happened? What does it mean? Am I pregnant? Many wonen experience false positives and negatives when taking multiple pregnancy tests, so you are not alone. In this article we will discuss this phenomena and answer your questions to help ease your mind.
The first possibility is that your initial pregnancy test was actually a false positive, which may be due to a number of different factors. Below we have listed the most common causes of a false positive pregnancy test.
Improper testing: When you perform a pregnancy test it is important that you follow the directions on the box precisely. This will inform you of how long you need to wait before an accurate reading can be taken and what the symbols stand for. It is recommended to use a timer or watch in order to precisely measure the suggested time duration for the test. Do not rely on your own perception of time, as it can lead to improper test results. In addition, if you retreive a pregnancy test out of the trash and re-check it after initially receiving a negative test result, this may actually lead to a false positive. Being in the garbage may turn the test into a positive even though you are not pregnant. You should assume that the initial result is the accurate one.
Evaporation Line: Pregnancy tests have a nearly indiscernible line called an evaporation line. This can only be seen if you look very closely and hold it to the light. This line is not a sign of a positive pregnancy test and should not be interpreted as such. If you can only see the colored line in direct light, than this is the evaporation line, not a positive pregnancy test result.
Medication: Certain medications can influence the test result, making it a false positive. These medications include phenothiazine and any substance that contains hCG.
Urine: The condition of your urine can also influence the results of a pregnancy test. If there is any trace amount of blood or an excess of protein in the urine it can produce inaccurate results.
Defective pregnancy test: The quality and age of the pregnancy test can impact the accuracy of the results. Pregnancy tests have an expiration date, so if you use them after this date your results will most likely be inaccurate.
Don't be disappointed. Getting a negative pregnancy test does not necessarily mean that you are not pregnant. It could be that the first positive test was accurate, and the following negative test was actually a false negative. A false negative may occur if you didn't pass enough urine on the testing strip, or it may happen if you didn't wait for the recommended time frame between peeing on the test and checking the results. Despite false negative results becoming less common with the advancement of pregnancy tests, they can still happen. The most important thing for a woman to do when taking a pregnancy test is to perform it accurately, to prevent the likelihood of a false negative. Below we have listed some general advice on correct pregnancy test use.
If you are unsure as to whether or not you're pregnant, the best thing you can do is take a blood test. This test will be nearly 100 per cent accurate and determine once and for all if you are pregnant. You may also choose to take another test a few days later.