Vegetable Smoothie

Vegetable smoothies offer a lot of healthy nutrients and are as delicious as fruit-flavored beverages. Experts recommend consuming about four to five servings of fruits and vegetables each day. Besides the high nutritional value, this article introduces some recipes for vegetable smoothies.


Nutritional Value of Vegetable Smoothie

If you are wondering how vegetable smoothie can be a healthy drink, here is some information on what vegetable smoothie can offer:


Depending on the ingredients and sugar content of the vegetable smoothie, the number of calories of your beverage can range from 60 to 140 per glass (8 ounces). To reduce the calorie content, make your own vegetable smoothie, using more vegetables and less fruits or sugar additives.


People need to take an adequate amount of fiber in their diet for good digestion, proper waste elimination and healthy weight maintenance. However, a vegetable smoothie may contain as little as 0-3 grams of fiber only, so you need to take more whole fruits and vegetables as part of a healthy diet to reduce your risk for obesity, diabetes and heart disease.


A vegetable smoothie may contain zero fat, 14-35 grams of carbohydrates, and 1-2 grams of protein, depending on the ingredients. Taking vegetable smoothies may be healthy but remember that you need 20-35% of your daily calories from fat, 45-65% from carbohydrates, and 10-35% of from protein.

Vitamins and minerals

Pureed vegetables and fruits are a good source of vitamins and minerals. An 8-oz. serving of vegetable smoothie contains many vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A (120% of your daily value), vitamin C (105% DV), and iron (25% DV).


Vegetable smoothies contain significantly lower sodium than vegetable juices. A homemade vegetable smoothie contains about 7.5 mg of sodium, while a bottled vegetable smoothie contains 25 mg sodium. In comparison, vegetable juices may contain as much as 600 mg sodium.

Recipes for Vegetable Smoothie

Here are some ideas for making your own vegetable smoothie. It is easy to make – just combine these ingredients and blend for one minute till smooth.

Cabbage Smoothie

Broccoli Smoothie

Arugula Smoothie

Carrot Smoothie

Beet Smoothie

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