
Sorbitol is an aldehyde form of sugar that is very slowly metabolized by the human body which is normally produced as part of the combustion processes of glucose but can also be obtained in significantly high amounts from corn syrup. This article will focus on the introduction of uses and dangers of sorbitol.

Uses of Sorbitol

Sorbitol is used commercially in a number of food products and other industrial products.


Sorbitol metabolism supply only 2.6 kilocalories (= 11 kilojoules) energy as opposed to glucose or other monosaccharides that releases kilocalories (= 17 kilojoules) of energy, making it an ideal adjuvant or substitute to table sugar. It is used in sugar-free gums, candies, diet- beverages, ice-creams and other foods.


When used orally or as enema, sorbitol can be used as a mild laxative due to its slow metabolism and water attracting nature. Excessive consumption of sorbitol rich foods can lead to gastrointestinal upset; however, if used properly with the recommendation of a healthcare provider, sorbitol can be used as a safe laxative in elderly.

Health-care and Cosmetic Products

Other Uses

Dangers of Sorbitol

It has to be kept in mind that due to different chemical structure and other metabolic characteristics, high serum levels of sorbitol may be toxic for the body and should therefore be avoided. Best way to avoid sorbitol is to limit your intake of commercial foods.

Side Effects

It has been observed that excessive intake of sorbitol can lead to following side effects:


Caution in the overall consumption of sorbitol is needed for a variety of reasons.

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