Why Do I Constantly Feel Off Balance?

Many people suffer from a balance disorder that makes them feel off balance, dizzy, or unsteady. A balance disorder is a condition in which one experiences a sensation of spinning, moving, or floating even if one is just lying down or standing still. It can happen anytime and anywhere. It may occur in episodes or may persist for extended periods. Sometimes it is associated with other symptoms, such as nausea, ringing in the ears, blurring of vision, or faintness. These symptoms can be quite alarming, so people might experience confusion, anxiety, and panic attacks as a result.

A balance disorder may be caused by a health condition or a problem involving the brain or inner ear, or some medications.

Typical Causes of Balance Disorder: Inner Ear, Brain, etc.

The body maintains balance with the combined efforts of different body systems, including the eyes, inner ears, proprioceptive receptors, and the brain. Any condition that affects one or more of these may cause a balance disorder or the feeling of being off balance.

Causes Related to the Ear

Vertigo, or a feeling of spinning, may be brought about by disturbances to the inner ear. This part of the balance system informs the brain about changes in your head's movements related to gravity. When this system is affected, vertigo, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting may be experienced.

Causes of vertigo related to the inner ear include:

Causes Related to the Brain

Conditions in the brain may also be attributed to feeling off balance and vertigo:

Other Causes

Other conditions like low blood pressure, diabetes, and intake of various medications can cause the feeling of being off balance.


There are many possible causes of balance disorders. If you think that it is a minor episode, such as motion sickness, you may try one of the remedies suggested, such as avoiding travel or sitting next to a window. Otherwise you may need to go to a doctor to have a proper evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment. For example, if the cause of vertigo and accompanying symptoms is an infection, then you may need a prescription for antibiotics.

In most cases of a balance disorder that is related to inner ear problems, vestibular rehabilitation exercises are used to treat the associated symptoms. These are simple exercises that combine head, eye, and body exercises to decrease dizziness and nausea. A therapist can even help you perform these at home.

To prevent injuries from dizziness, do not walk in the dark, wear low heels or walking shoes, use a cane, or if necessary, a walker. Ask your doctor if it is safe for you to drive.

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